Your Investment

Nicole Mazanec Icon_Gold.png

Birth Doula Support

• 3 In-home prenatal visits
• Access to my lending library
• On-call from 37 weeks to birth
• Certified doula backup
• Continuous labor support
• Immediate postpartum support
• 1 in-home postpartum visit
• 2 nutritious postpartum meals


Nicole Mazanec Icon_Gold.png

Sleep Doula Support

• Complimentary consultation
• 8 hours of overnight sleep support
• Assistance in creating sleep patterns and schedule
• Night feeding support

$1200 - 3-Night Bundle

$4320 - 6-Week Well-Rested Parent Package (2 nights/week)


Happy Clients

Steph said,

Nicole was an amazing doula for my twin birth. Starting with our first meeting, she was attentive to my concerns and desires for my birth. Throughout my pregnancy, she checked on me regularly and worked with me to identify my preferences and articulate my birth plan. When my original doctor stopped supporting my plan to birth vaginally, Nicole helped me find new supportive providers. Throughout my pregnancy, Nicole provided wonderful advice on exercise, nutrition, breastfeeding, and mental preparation for labor and birth. During my labor, she provided endless support for me: holding my hand, massaging my back, suggesting new positions, showing me my birth affirmations, and coaching me in breathing through pain. She is comfortable in the hospital environment and in her interactions with healthcare providers. Nicole’s help with planning and her support during labor were the keys to my low-intervention vaginal birth with a breech twin. While our babies were in the NICU, Nicole checked on us regularly. Once we were home, Nicole planned postpartum visits that were not only incredibly helpful, they made us feel very cared for during a vulnerable time. I loved working with her, and she has my highest recommendation.”

Jared added,

“Before my wife’s birth, Nicole helped us think through our wishes and also make contingency plans. When my wife’s OB started pushing for a cesarean (against my wife's wishes) in the weeks before birth after previously suggesting a supportive approach to her wishes, Nicole helped us consider our other options, and then helped us find a supportive midwife and OB to allow my wife an opportunity to attempt to avoid a cesarean. She went above and beyond every step of the way. During my wife’s labor, Nicole offered physical and emotional support and encouragement to both of us. When my wife faced pressure to acquiesce to interventions during labor, Nicole reminded her of her plan, and that she had a choice to accept or reject the intervention offered. Nicole gave me guidance on how best to support my wife through different stages of labor, and it was such a relief that in the moments when I didn’t know what my wife needed, and my wife didn’t know what to ask for, Nicole knew what to do. She made it possible for me to take a quick break for food or rest without feeling like I was leaving my wife alone. Her communication with the medical team throughout the labor was helpful in achieving my wife's birth outcome. After the babies came home, Nicole came and not only checked in on our family but also provided warm meals and helped us around the house, which we were so grateful for during the early weeks with our babies when we were just trying to survive. Nicole is the reason that my wife was able to give birth vaginally in a high risk birth with limited interventions, and we would recommend her to anyone.