Birth Doula Support

Birth doula care exists to serve birthing people who want to invest in the foundation of their parenting journey.

I am a one person show and as such, my brand identity and image is exactly who I am. I’m in the business of empowering and supporting birthing people with evidence-based Doula care throughout the birthing year.  

When you hire me to be your Doula, you’re investing in your prenatal care, your mental health and well-being, and you’re making a statement.  You trust your body’s ability to birth physiologically, you trust in your inner strength, and you seek a birth that can be achieved with a birthing team you know and trust. With Nicole Mazanec Doula Services, you are cared for prenatally, in labor, and in the postpartum time frame.  You are encouraged to make informed choices along the way, and you are empowered to make confident, educated decisions.  You know simply hiring a Doula won’t make you achieve your physiological birth, but you know that a Doula acts as one of many tools you will utilize to do so.  You will find your inner voice, you will find your strength to birth the way you were meant to, and you will be equipped to lay the foundation for your parenting journey.  

When you book me for your birth support, you’re making an investment that will positively impact your family unit in innumerable ways for years to come. You are creating a birthing team that is second to none.

My service provides the perfect haven for parents on the softer side of crunchy.  Think of it as naturally minded and evidence based.  You’re the parent who understands the value of good nutritious food and activities that fuel your body, but you also indulge in food and fun that’s good for the soul too.  In a world full of polar opposites and extremes, here you will find comfort in a judgement free zone. I take into consideration traditional and non-traditional family dynamics, natural remedies, scientific and evidence-based topics, and form well-rounded, informed decisions. Together, we trust that your body and baby/babies were meant for birth.  As a team, we enter the birth space unafraid and strong.

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What is a doula?

Someone who supports you mentally and physically and empowers you to find your voice, to be heard, and to be seen within your birth space. A Doula helps prepare you prenatally, during the birthing process, and in the postpartum time frame.

Does a Doula replace my husband / partner / spouse / support person(s)?

No. A Doula is a birth coach. Think of it like this -- You go on the soccer field and you have your parent on the sidelines. They love you, they’re encouraging you, they’re proud of you, but they’re not meant to coach you. Your spouse/partner(s)/support person is like the parent on the sideline. Your coach, however, is there during the game, they know the plays inside and out, they’re familiar with your strengths, and they know specific techniques to guide you and the tools you need to excel. The coach is your Doula. Both your support person(s) and your Doula play big roles during your birthing year. One does not replace the other. Together, you all make the birth team.

Are you certified?

Yes! I am certified through DONA International, BirthNBabies, and Angela Gallo’s Dynamo Doula Training. While there is not one governing body over the Doula community, many Doula certifications are widely accepted. Continuing education is always beneficial and I continue my education yearly by taking additional courses and classes.

Why should I hire Nicole Mazanec as my Doula?

I am invested into my client’s well-being and happiness. I want my clients to feel empowered to make decisions surrounding their birth. My goal is to have my clients feel safe, cared for, and important regardless of age, sex, gender identity, race, or religion. My client’s needs are my top priority. When my clients come to me with an issue, I work with them to solve the problem by evaluating the situation, coming up with solutions, and if need be, utilizing my resources to meet their end goal. I have access to resources and connections for anything my client might need – from reputable and trustworthy high risk doctors to chiropractors and lactation consultants, to support groups and play groups, how and where to find the best childcare, and anything else my clients might need.

Do you take on more than one client at a time? Do you have a backup Doula?

I occasionally have Expected Due Dates that overlap. Birth is unpredictable, so it is vital to always have a backup Doula in place. I do have a network of Doulas I work with who serve as my backup in the event of an unexpected emergency, illness, or something else out of my control.

 As a Doula, I Do Not:

-Provide clinical or Midwifery support.
-Make decisions for you.
-Speak to staff on your behalf.
-Project any of my own beliefs onto your experience.